Really love this game. I have a hard time hitting the home button and toggling options on my plus phone. And I wish it wouldnt stop my podcasts while playing the game b
Really love this game. I have a hard time hitting the home button and toggling options on my plus phone. And I wish it wouldnt stop my podcasts while playing the game b
Some games get too difficult way too quickly. This one did not do that; all objectives were challenging but not "impossible." The only one I thought was very difficult was 28 waves on plus. Very fun until then because there are more than one method to do things.
A brilliant, minimalist strategy game. For those saying its impossible after level 12-16: youre just not very good at it. Ive hit level 32, it just takes thought and planning. The pace, progression, and flow of the game are spot on. Even the much maligned AI is fine once you figure out how it makes its decisions (go for the most in-need resource, via the shortest path. On weapon runs, fill to the nearest - in the order of orders given,) its predictable and something you can plan around. Oh, and for the people saying you just have to leave minions in the weapons rooms at higher levels: design your bases better. Theres plenty of safe work for minons to do in a well-surrounded core. Even better, its work without a timer - free labor. The only this Im really craving is more scenarios and challenges. I loved the changes in strategy the plus towers had, and could go for a few more of those.
I love this game it has a bunch of strategy and decions I really have fun playing it
I love the games state of drowsy terror, its simple and novel interface, and the basic premise.
Incredible in its diversity. Im a huge tower defense gamer and this is, by far, the best one on the market. The expanded mode in the last update adds even more to this beautiful masterpiece.
I love how this games does so much with so little. No fancy graphics just great game dynamics and overall put together very nicely. The minion AI IS irritating, but i was able to get all the achievements in normal mode. Going to move on to Plus mode and try that.
This unusual and engaging strategy slash tower defense game is outstanding. Its not unbeatable. Its hard especially after wave 20 but Ive only player end 3 times so far and have gotten to wave 28. I didnt win wave 28, but I got there and with relatively little in game experience. Its al about planning and careful resource management with being aware of strategic defense points. Build without a plan or strategy and yeah, youll end up with an indefensible mess. Thats not an unbeatable game, that unskilled or impatient players. This game is a true 5 star marvel.
I love the game concept, but theres really only two (very long) levels. I was hoping for more and more variety. Anyway, it was interesting while it lasted.
Is the game fun? Yes Is it worth the money? Yes Will you play it very long? No Is the AI beyond stupid? Absofreakinglutley Youll enjoy the game until the learning curve is over, then youll become really frustrated by the HORRENDOUS AI of your minions, and by the lack of a way to speed up time in the beginning rounds. That being said the game is worth the money due to its originality, and NO IN APP PURCHASES.
just recently got this game, and my one complaint is that the games just take too long. I spend most of the game waiting, I would really enjoy a fast forward mode so I wont be spending 45 minutes on one game.
Game is unlike anything I have seen from a strategy game. The simplistic but powerful controls maker this game very repayable. The horrendous AI makes this game a challenge. A challenge is nice but the AI just frustrates me. Carrying 5 resource blocks to a constriction site that only requires one wastes the precious time that you have or don’t between attacks. The rest of the game is a charm. The Textris like strategy style makes each game feel different from the last, and it has you thinking of how you can make the entire system more efficient with different layouts. Yet, there are two things that cripple the game from a full 5 stars and a “perfect” experience: 1. The AI. Like I already said, the AI is just terrible. They sometimes go to the furthest research site when it is near another one. And the construction often take way longer than it had to be. 2. No adjustment options. Adding some options of like how long the time between each attacks could compensate for the bad AI. Or it could be use to be made to be more challenging. Both of which adds to the replayability. And adding the option of how many minions you star with would also be great. Along with the option of resources required to build something. But in the end, games like this (immensly successful) usually don’t get much care from developers. But I hope it gets updated in the future.
Love this game even though I cant pronounce it. It would be great if they continue to expand on it.
There’s a simplicity and complexity to this game that’s alluring and frustrating. As other reviews well describe, the AI can be maddening. But...I keep coming back to play this game more than any other. There’s a meditative quality, with enough variation to remain pleasantly challenging. Whatever the flaws, it’s a really elegant piece of engineering that’s a pleasure to be around. "There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.” Francis Bacon
The idea of a meditative tower defense/simulation game seems like a contradiction in terms, but this game pulls it off. Its all of what I like about tower defense but none of what I dont like.
Simple, elegant, and challenging. Only complaint is that it consistently freezes up when I achieve missions, often losing my progress when I have to restart (iPad mini 4).
Really nice concept, very minimalistic, well done visually. The AI is pretty terrible, but that is ok. My big issue, is there isnt really any way to win. Just survive as long as possible, no way to mount a counter attack. It just feels a bit pointless.
This game is beautiful and engaging, and then its over. Once youve researched all four monoliths and lasted through 28 waves of enemies (which, granted, is no easy feat), thats all there is to it. Took me about two hours, which is far less time than I expect to spend on any game that costs more than a dollar (yeah, #firstworldproblems, I know). I would love to see more resource fields and monoliths to conquer, particularly in zen mode. I would love (as others have mentioned) a bit more common sense to the movements of minions. I would love a fast forward button.