A brilliant, minimalist strategy game. For those saying its impossible after level 12-16: youre just not very good at it. Ive hit level 32, it just takes thought and planning.
The pace, progression, and flow of the game are spot on.
Even the much maligned AI is fine once you figure out how it makes its decisions (go for the most in-need resource, via the shortest path. On weapon runs, fill to the nearest - in the order of orders given,) its predictable and something you can plan around.
Oh, and for the people saying you just have to leave minions in the weapons rooms at higher levels: design your bases better. Theres plenty of safe work for minons to do in a well-surrounded core. Even better, its work without a timer - free labor.
The only this Im really craving is more scenarios and challenges. I loved the changes in strategy the plus towers had, and could go for a few more of those.
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