Game is unlike anything I have seen from a strategy game. The simplistic but powerful controls maker this game very repayable. The horrendous AI makes this game a challenge. A challenge is nice but the AI just frustrates me. Carrying 5 resource blocks to a constriction site that only requires one wastes the precious time that you have or don’t between attacks. The rest of the game is a charm. The Textris like strategy style makes each game feel different from the last, and it has you thinking of how you can make the entire system more efficient with different layouts. Yet, there are two things that cripple the game from a full 5 stars and a “perfect” experience:
1. The AI. Like I already said, the AI is just terrible. They sometimes go to the furthest research site when it is near another one. And the construction often take way longer than it had to be.
2. No adjustment options. Adding some options of like how long the time between each attacks could compensate for the bad AI. Or it could be use to be made to be more challenging. Both of which adds to the replayability. And adding the option of how many minions you star with would also be great. Along with the option of resources required to build something.
But in the end, games like this (immensly successful) usually don’t get much care from developers. But I hope it gets updated in the future.
Dark Leviathanz about rymdkapsel