This is actually an easy game, once you figure it out (and by the comments not many do). Its all about productivity, how fast you can farm and how fast you can make new minions. Making the right rooms close together, the right order of monoliths to research, the right moment to start the defenses, it all makes a lot of difference at the end and take time to master.
At the present moment my best attempt was 32 waves, in 69 minutes. I had more than 50 minions, my device crashed a few times thanks to that! Hehe.
To those having issues I suggest to start making the minimum, then start to produce minions, once you got some idle, start making more kitchens and gardens to make MORE minions. Do the other constructions and the research with the extra minions while the first ones are making more and more of them. Make sure to construct the defenses around the center of minion production, dont be afraid of keeping some minions there all the time. And there should always be minions making minions even in attacks (after you have like 10 of them), they are protected inside the center while the other are defending the frontier. Losing a couple minions is not as bad as losing production time. Make minions, lots of it!!!
About the minion AI, theres a few annoying things, like they often do the exactly same task and when one completes it they all drop it and go to the same one again next. Its hilarious to see 30 minions all carrying food to the same quarter that can only receive 4 of it. Although thats annoying, if you put a cap, you may end up with a task stuck with the most far minion just because he was the first one to be idle.
Funny enough thats exactly what happens when you call minions to arms, the first one you drag will pick the closest to him, and so on, the last ones will have to take what is left, and sometimes whats left is in the whole other side of the map.
If you change it, youll end up with lots of minions running to the same weapon, just to realize its full and lots of minions running to another one and so on. That would be even worse and completely uncontrollable.
The AI is actually perfect, you just need to know HOW to deal with it. Heres how: 1. Make clusters of kitchen, garden and quarters, so minions dont travel much, theyll stay in that same area. 2. Make the weapons in the outside, around that center of minion production. 3. When calling for an attack, first drag the minion doing research (since they are the most far away), then constructors (that usually are all over the place) and then the farmers and cookers (that are suppose to be all in the middle of the map and equally close to all weapons).
The minion dont ignore an empty room, is just that that room is already taken by a minion you called to arms first. You cant expect the game to recalculate the paths and weapons theyll take every time you put more minion on weapons duty, youll end up with lots of minions changing paths all the time.
What could be implemented is a "all to weapons" button, that way all the minions would be calculated at same time and with the best outcome. And after it was done you could hit it again and they all would go back to their exactly jobs before. That would be handy.
To devs, give more challenges! :D
Mifeenaify about rymdkapsel