Followed the hype and instabought this today.
Just played the first game and LOVED it ...
... UNTIL I got to ~wave 20 from where on you cant practically do anything anymore but have all your minions in the weapons room and hope it goes well. Which it doesnt for very long.
Also, minions are STUPID. The AI and wayfinding is really a bad joke.
This could be one of my favourite games on iOS and a rock solid 5 Stars IF you work on the AI and give me something like a relaxed mode where attacks dont speed up and I can focus on base-building.
UPDATE: Sorry, after playing some more, I have to downgrade to ONE star. The reason is this useless, crappy, worthless, unbearable AI.
WHY do they run by empty weapons rooms instead of just going in?
If I continue researching after a wave, WHY dont the minions in the weapons room right next to it go there, but some random ones from far far away ???
This feels like an alpha preview, NOT a finished game.
Will stop playing until this is resolved.
Update: For two years now, no update, not a peep. They just took our money and ran. Big BOOO! And I will NEVER buy any of your apps again.
Update: After AGES, finally an update. Minions are as unforgivingly stupid as ever, which was the main flaw with this game. Total FAIL, you guys should just not try to make games if you are not up to it.
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